kaadhani Viza (Karnavedha )
Karnavedha is one of the sixteen major sacraments known as "Shodasha Samskaras" of Sanatana Dharma. It is an ear piercing ceremony that is typically performed between the first and fifth year of life. This can also be performed during later years. Brahmins, especially those studying the vedas, usually undergo karnavedha and the other samskaras during the course of their lifetime. The samskaras are mentioned in the Brahmana portion of the vedas. Some scholars advise that the performance of karnavedha should be considered just as important as upanayanam and the other sacraments as each holds its own symbolic spiritual value. While equally recommended for males and females, in modern times, karnavedha has become an uncommon practice amongst males.
Size Specification:-
Height- 5- 8 Inches
Material-Made of Papermache